6 Tips For Cooking A Leg Of Lamb

Calling all beginners and experts to read along as we give some insightful tips for how to cook up a delicious leg of lamb! Whether you’ve cooked it or not, attempting to cook leg of lamb can seem intimidating. Well, guess what? It’s not!

Get ready to cook a leg of lamb like it’s your weekly jam, with our 6 tips that won’t seem nearly as daunting once you put them into play.

  1. How Long Should You Take Lamb Out Of The Fridge Before Cooking?

Putting this large cut of meat in the oven right after removing it from the fridge can lead to uneven cooking and an even longer cooking time. To ensure a leg of lamb cooks evenly, remove it from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for an hour before cooking.

  1. How Can It Be Cooked?

Easy! Our good old classic leg of lamb is the most versatile cut of the bunch. Grill it to perfection, give it that butterfly effect or coast while you roast.  For a real treat, try boneless leg or kebobs on the BBQ. You can thank us later.

  1. Rare? Well-Done? What’s The Deal?

Ultimately, the way you like your meat cooked is your preference. However, always keep in mind that leg of lamb is already a very tender and lean meat, so make sure not to overcook it!

  1. Rest Is Good For The Soul… And For The Meat

Like all cuts of meat, it’s important to allow the leg of lamb to rest after cooking for about 15-20 minutes. This lets the juices redistribute back into the meat.

  1. No Marinating, No Worries, Mate

Don’t worry about fussing over which marinade you’re going to make for this cut because you don’t need to! Since the leg of lamb is already a naturally tender cut of meat (mentioned above), it doesn’t need it. One of the roles of the marinade is to help break down fibers in tougher cuts of meat. You can stick with simplicity for this cut. Herbs, garlic, mustard or your favorite spice rub.

  1. Any Way You Slice It…

Now that you’ve cooked up this delicious masterpiece, you’ll need to know how to cut it properly. Cutting it any way you want won’t “cut it” here. Lamb should always be sliced against the grain to get the most tender slices.