How to Win at Summer BBQ Parties

Your mates will be hashtagging #LambGoals at your next barbie

It’s no secret that summer in OZ is quite possibly the best. Barbie’s on the beach, a good surf and tasty food with a cold bevvie in hand is how us Aussie’s roll! It’s also no secret that sometimes our BBQ’s can get mundane when we are doing them so frequently. We tend to stick with the classic stuff we know, and truthfully those are all great, but it’s time to start thinking outside the cooking box and look no further than lamb! Getting creative for your gatherings doesn’t mean you’re going to spend hours at the stove or the grill either.

Opal Valley Lamb is a delicious choice when looking for extra flavour and variety. We deliver the highest quality without compromising the delicious sweet, yet mild taste of pasture fed lamb. You can count on lamb to provide clean, natural flavours with unbeatable tenderness.

Find your lamb swagger this summer with these easy and tasty recipes from the land down under, sure to cure your hunger!

Za’atar Burgers with Tahini Drizzle

Lamb-burger anyone? We know you can’t resist this ground-breaking burger for your next shindig. When you’re looking for sweet and mild flavours, ground Opal Valley Lamb will be calling your name. Plus, it only takes 15 minutes to cook and still looks this stunning. It’s a win-win for you and your mates. Remember, you don’t always have to stick with classic ground meats! Get creative!

Pulled Lamb Tacos

Taco ‘bout a delicious meal ☝️ Tacos are a fun and easy way to enjoy fresh summer ingredients while hosting a Taco Tuesday or lounging in the backyard on a warm evening with the family. Tacos are also a great way to get everyone involved in the festivities because you can pick your favourite ingredients and make them together! We’ve turned it up a notch and decided to put two of our fav’s in one. Tacos+Pulled Lamb. Can life get any better?

Lamb Quesadillas

Summer lovin’, you’ll be having a blast with our lamb quesadillas, and when your friends are like, “tell me more, tell me more” you can share these Insta-worthy bites if there’s any left! We recommend serving with fresh tomato salsa, tzatziki or cucumber salad.